My Big Fat Life – Roar

Life changes when your child is sick. It really changes a lot. Last June I was driving in my van, listening to the radio and feeling pretty good about life. I remember that day specifically, because it was the last day I was truly genuinely at peace. I remember thinking to myself "My kids are... Continue Reading →

My Big Fat Life – Life

Dear Life, I would really appreciate it if you would just slow your shit down for a moment, and let's take this one situation at a time, okay? Sincerely, Someone who really is only one person I don't know if life got that memo, but it's ignoring me if it did. There is so much... Continue Reading →

My Big Fat Lesbian Life – 1 year

Today marks 1 year since I asked my now ex-wife to leave. 3 days later, I would begin writing this blog. For those of you who have been following my journey since that first blog, you've witnessed my healing as its unfolded from my heart to your eyes. It's been an amazing, though difficult, journey... Continue Reading →

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